Springing Forward

Nowtopia is back from the printer! You can now order copies here, and you can visit the website I put together for it here. I have an ambitious calendar of appearances scheduled already too, so I hope to see everyone out there somewhere! Big opening party at CounterPULSE April 9, 7:30 p.m.

Obviously I’m behind […]

Cautiously Rising!

OK, I’m up and running! Well… I’m up, I’m moving around, the agony seems to have subsided. A cortisone shot 9 days ago made it less painful right away but I still had limited mobility. After 5 days I started to feel better upright, and actually made dinner myself! Now I can walk and I’m […]

April Buzzes

It’s been an incredible frenzy lately. Not only making good progress on my rewrite, but all the events and socializing and general pleasure of living to the fullest… Here come a lot of photos of recent weeks…

First let me start out with a brief account of last night’s lovely Critical Mass. It’s April, the […]