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Precarious Urbanity, Linear History

Back in beautiful San Francisco, where it somehow turned back into summer while I was away. Balmy warm weather the past few days, yum! My week in New York was really interesting for lots of reasons, but one that has really stuck with me is the utter precariousness of the urban fabric. I was lugging […]

I’m baaaacckkk!

Just a quick hello… I’ll be posting here again in short order. Got a few things piled up on my plate first, but hope to start my old rhythm blogging again soon… thanks for hanging in there!

Those of you who know me may have feared that my long-held conviction that nature is trying to […]

I’m baaaacckkk!

Just a quick hello… I’ll be posting here again in short order. Got a few things piled up on my plate first, but hope to start my old rhythm blogging again soon… thanks for hanging in there!

Those of you who know me may have feared that my long-held conviction that nature is trying to […]