New Generation Meets Iconic Bicycle Messenger

I’m happy to welcome my media naranja, Adriana Camarena, as a guest blogger. This is her first but I hope not last contribution to The Nowtopian!

When I think of bicycles in Mexico beautiful images of workers spring to mind. Delivery men flutter on the streets on two or three wheels pollinating the neighborhoods with […]

Kafka Mexicana

Tag this one as fine whine…

Mexicana airlines is probably among the world’s worst. I’ve had my bad experiences with them in the past, but this trip to Guadalajara has reached a new depth. It all started back in April when I was invited to speak at the 2nd Annual Mexican Cycling Congress in Guadalajara. […]

Segundo Congreso Nacional de Ciclismo Urbano, Guadalajara, Mexico, 18 Septiembre, 2009

Listening to my introduction from "Negro", Sept. 18, 2009.

¡Gracias por invitarme! Por anticipado, les pido disculpas por mi pobre español. Jamás he intentado hablar públicamente en español, por lo que ruego su indulgencia.

Estoy muy contento de estar en Guadalajara, misma ciudad que mi suegro me explicó, alguna vez fue llamada despectivamente […]